You might want to ask yourself, “Do I like poetry, do I hate poetry, or is it that I just don’t care?”.There are different reasons why people have distaste for poetry. Someone might not like poetry because they are usually very long. E.g. 1000 words are used to say something where 20 simple ones would suffice. Poetries are sometimes very deep. And there is nothing worst then having to read and memorize the content of a poem that you hate for a class or test. But, most of the times people hate poetry because it was force on them when they weren't ready for it. We are usually introduced to poems and rhyme skims in elementary school. At that young age our minds are still developing and isn't used to the basic concept of poetry yet. So when it is force on us like that, we will usually develop a hate relationship with it. And you can’t deny the fact that maybe you took poetry for what it is, in the wrong way. So just remember this, there are different types of poetry, sometimes you might hate one type of poetry and like another. So why not give poetry another chance. It can’t possible hurt you in any way!
I have to say, I still don't like poetry and don't think I ever will. It's probably because I think more practically rather than abstractly.
ReplyDeleteI love poetry but like you saud it depends on the person themselves. It never hurts to give it a chance !