Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What is your instrument of torture?


Today we read Jean-Paul Sartre’s “No Exit”, which states that people are each other instrument of torture, “Hell is other people”.

If I were to be asked if that is true, I would first agree, but then later retract. Why? People of course are the reasons why there are high crime rates, war is cause by people, and people ultimately will produce more people. And have you ever heard of the phrase, “Don’t blame the gun, blame the person that pulls the trigger”.

But, "there’s always a but to everything in life". Can you imagine a world without other people? I didn't want to pull religion into this but, God made Adam and Eve, and then other people came along later for a reason. It is true that the people around you can shape your life, but don’t forget that you can also shape theirs. Just like how you can pick who's your friend, and who's your enemy. I believed you pick your own hell! 

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of 'picking your own hell.' It's an interesting thought. The choices we make, the paths we take, and the thoughts we have all lead us towards our own hell.
