Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Reading Style


              To be an effective and good reader you must be able to identify the reading style that suit your reasons for reading. Most flexible readers adopt a reading style to make their readings both entertaining and meaningful. Some people take their time reading slow while taking in all the materials mention in that certain passages. While other might just skim through the passages with a ZAP! I on the other hand, like to read with a tone to my voice. I think that emphasis the article more and give the author more credit since we're putting some effort into reading it. If I was on the other side of the fence listening on to someone else read, I think that if they were to read with some kind of tone, it would makes it easier to understand the article. So what is your style of reading? I just hope your not one of those people who read like a dead zombie.....

1 comment:

  1. Very true, I noticed it myself that some people often enough dont comprehend the idea of reading with style, or a sense of conviction. While its good to observe the material, Its also good to set a steady pace while reading. Good work!
