Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Where do word comes from? 10/3

Everyday, and every minute of every hour, the English vocabulary is shifting and changing. The "word" we are using today, just didn't exploded out of the ground. People are the one who created and deliver these words through everyday usages. I remember reading Andrew Clement Frindle, when I was in elementary school. I remember really liking the book because it make sense and in some way, it does explain where word comes from.

In this book, a little boy name Nick, questions his teacher about where word comes from. He then, makes up a new word for a pen, "frindle". Everyone loves Nick's new word, so soon enough people all around town start calling a pen, frindle. His teacher was very unhappy with this new word, because she feels as if, Nick is mistreating the word-pen, by replacing it with a new word. After awhile, a new addition of the dictionary was printed, and sure enough, the word frindle was included.

So, word comes from people, people creates the word through its meaning, and the meaning comes from everyday usages. So next time when you have a chance make up a word, it might just end up in a dictionary someday, you never know!

(My new word-----"vanichoco"----vanilla + chocolate = YUMMY!!!!) What's your?????


  1. Fantastic new word! My new word is hopetastic! It's pretty self-explanatory. And Dinh, you're missing the "s" at the end of a bunch of words in your post... Great post though! I love making up new words!

    1. Yeah I know my grammars are horrible, can't lie about that!

  2. Great post, although like Hope said you do have some grammar mistakes. Words are fascinating.

    1. Yeah I know my grammars are horrible, can't lie about that!

  3. Frindle was one of my favorite books growing up. I always thought the concept of the story was really interesting and pertained to the way people actually use and make up words. very interesting.
